7th Grade World History & Geography Learning Targets

7th Grade World History & Geography

Learning Targets

Students are expected to demonstrate their abilities to:

- recognize textual evidence from primary and secondary sources to support analysis

- describe how a text presents itself (sequentially, comparatively, and causally)

- distinguish between facts and opinions in a text

- identify an author's point of view and purpose through evaluating relevant parts of a text

Students will know or be able to do the following things at the end of the teaching cycle: (subject to revision)

First 3 Week Cycle

Class Procedures

Chapter 1: Studying the Ancient World/Geography

Section 1: Clues from the Past

Section 2: Putting the pieces together

Chapter 2: Fall of Rome

Section 1: The Roman Empire

Section 2: Fall of the Western Roman Empire

Section 3: The Byzantine Empire

You will need to know about the:

Ø contributions of Rome;

Ø reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire; and

Ø Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire).

Second 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 3: The Rise of Islam

Section 1: Geography and Life in Arabia

Section 2: Origins of Islam

Section 3: Islamic Beliefs and Practices

You will need to know about the:

Ø geography & climate of the Arabian peninsula;

Ø nomadic ways of life;

Ø origins of Islam; and

Ø teachings of Muhammad

Third 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 4: The Spread of Islam

Section 1: Early Expansion

Section 2: Muslim Empires

Section 3: Cultural Achievements

Chapter 5: Early West Africa

Section 1: Geography of Africa

Section 2: Early Culture and Trade

You will need to know about the:

Ø Muslim rulers of the Islamic Empire;

Ø spread of Muslim beliefs, ideas, & culture;

Ø physical geography of Africa; and

Ø role of animism in Western African culture.

Fourth 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 6: West African Empires

Section 1: Empires of Ghana

Section 2; Empire of Mali

Section 3: Empire of Songhai

Section 4: Historical and Artistic Traditions

You will need to know about the:

Ø Empire of Ghana and it's gold & salt trade;

Ø capital city, Koumbi Saleh;

Ø Empire of Mali and its leaders (Sundiata, Mansa Musa);

Ø Empire of Songhai under Askia the Great;

Ø fall of Songhai due to guns (arquebus) from Moroccan troops;

Ø collection of griot poems (Dausi & Sundiata); and

Ø world traveler, Ibn Battutah.

Fifth 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 7: China

Section 1: China Reunifies

Section 2: Tang and Song Achievements

Section 3: Confucianism and Government

You will need to know about the:

Ø Period of Disunion;

Ø Age of Buddhism;

Ø civil service system; and

Ø Chinese contributions (i.e., gunpowder, porcelain, moveable type, Grand Canal, etc.)

Sixth 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 7: China

Section 4: The Yuan and Ming Dynasties

Chapter 8: Japan

Section 1: Geography and Early Japan

Section 2: Art and Culture in Heian

Section 3: Growth of a Military Society

You will need to know about the:

Ø Mongols (Genghis Kahn, Kublai Khan);

Ø Shinto religion;

Ø Japanese Buddhism (i.e.,Zen, Pure Land) Art & culture in court of Heian (Tale of Genji); and

Ø Military society (Shogun, daimyo, and samurai).

Seventh 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 9: Early Middle Ages

Section 1: Geography of Europe

Section 2: Europe after the Fall of Rome

Section 3: Feudalism and Manor Life

Section 4: Feudal Societies

You will need to know about the:

Ø geography of Europe. (rivers, plains, mountains);

Ø King Charlemagne & the Holy Roman Empire;

Ø monasteries & monks;

Ø King of England: William the Conqueror;

Ø development of feudalism;

Ø code of chivalry; and

Ø manor system.

Eighth 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 10: Later Middle Ages

Section 1: Popes and Kings

Section 2: The Crusades

Section 3: Christianity and Medieval Society

Section 4: Political and Social Change

You will need to know about the:

Ø Great Schism (Bishop of Constantinople);

Ø Crusades (who, what, where, when & why);

Ø monks & friars;

Ø Magna Carta;

Ø Parliament of England;

Ø 100 Years War; and

Ø Black Death (bubonic plague).

Ninth 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 10: Later Middle Ages

Section 5: Challengs to Church Authority

Chapter 11: The Renaissance

Section 1: Origins of the Renaissance

Section 2: The Italian Renaissance

Section 3: The Renaissance beyond Italy

You will need to know about the:

Ø ideas opposing the Church called "heresy"p>

Ø Spanish Inquisition;

Ø Silk Road & Marco Polo;

Ø richest man in Florence: Cosimo de Medici;

Ø Renaissance & Humanism;

Ø great artists: Michaelangelo & Leonardo da Vinci;

Ø great writers: William Shakespeare; and

Ø printing press developed by Johann Gutenberg.

Tenth 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 12: The Reformation of Christianity

Section 1: Protestant Reformation

Section 2: Catholic Reformation

Section 3: Effects of Reformation

Chapter 13: The Scientific Revolution

Section 1: A view of the New World

Section 2: Discoveries and Inventions

Section 3: Science and Society

You will need to know about the:

Ø Pope's document called "Indulgences"p>

Ø Catholic teaChapterings called "purgatory"p>

Ø Protestant Reformation & the Reformers: Martin Luther & John Calvin;

Ø Catholic Reformation;

Ø Thirty Year's War between European countries;

Ø scientific method; and

Ø Galileo Galilei.

Eleventh 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 14: The Early Americas

Section 1: Geography and Early Cultures

Section 2: The Maya

Section 3: Maya life and Society

Chapter 15: The Aztec and Inca Empires

Section 1: The Aztec Empire

Section 2: Aztec Life and Society

You will need to know about the:

Ø Location of Mesoamerica;

Ø landbridge of the Bering Strait;

Ø importance of maize (corn);

Ø city of Palenque & King Pacal;

Ø the Maya (observatories, calendar, Popol Vuh);

Ø Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes;

Ø Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II;

Ø ancient codex (Aztec books); and

Ø Aztec god Huitzilopochtli.

Final 3 Week Cycle

Chapter 15: The Aztec and Inca Empires

Section 3: The Inca Empire

Section 4: Inca Life and Society

Chapter 16: The Age of Exploration

Section 1: Great Voyages of Discovery

Section 2: The Columbian Exchange

Section 3: Origins of Capitalism

You will need to know about the:

Ø mosaics & llamas;

Ø conqueror of the Incas, Francisco Pizarro;

Ø city of Machu Picchu;

Ø masonry (Inca stonework);

Ø memorizers;

Ø city of Cuzco;

Ø Italian sailor, Christopher Columbus;

Ø Plantations;

Ø beliefs of racism;

Ø balance of trade; and

Ø economic system: capitalism.

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