Student Planner Information

Taft Middle School

 9191 Gramercy Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 

Phone:   (858) 935-2650 FAX:   (858) 935-2653

(Please see website for staff contact information.)

Table of Contents

Welcome Statement

Dress Code Policy

Mission Statement-San Diego Unified

End-of-year & Promotion Criteria

Taft School-WIde Vision

Health Office Information

Bell Class Schedules

Physical Education Dept. Information

Minimum/Modified Day Schedule

Assembly Policy

General Information

Bullying Policy

Daily Attendance Policy

Bus Riding Policy

Arrival and Dismissal Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Tardy Policy

Library Policy

What should I do if?

Lunch Time Policy

Prohibited Items

Restroom Policy

Computer Use Policy

Additional School-Wide Policies

Learning Agreement

Title IX Notifications

Voice & Movement Level Expectations

The Eagles’ Way

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year at Taft Middle!!

Please keep this planner all year. It will help you with the lifelong-skills of staying organized and meeting deadlines. Writing down assignments, homework, or even work-in-progress notes each day, will not only help you remember your responsibilities, but allow your family to stay informed about your learning. With the guidance of your teachers, you are expected to use this planner daily. Ultimately it is your responsibility to use this tool to support your own success.

We look forward to supporting you in all you do at Taft Middle School this year. We know your success will make us all proud!

Mission Statement-San Diego Unified School District

All San Diego students will graduate with the skills, motivation, curiosity, and resilience to succeed in their choice of college and career in order to lead and participate in the society of tomorrow.

Taft School-Wide Vision

  • Taft Middle School is a place where students are honored and respected future leaders. They are proud of their community and come to school confident in their ability to excel in any endeavor or challenge presented.
  • Taft teachers strive to create a safe and secure learning environment with high expectations for all students.
  • Taft administrators make shared decisions that help provide a nurturing and supportive environment for the rigorous education of students.
  • Taft families support teaching and learning by contributing their diversity, talents, resources and experiences.
  • Taft Middle School is a place in which the community takes great pride in educating students together.


2022-2023 Bell Schedules

My Class Schedule

Regular Day Bell Schedule

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.

My Classes

Room #

Per 1




Per 2




Per 3




LUNCH 6th Advisory 7/8




LUNCH 7/8 Advisory 6




Per 4




Per 5




Per 6




Minimum/Modified Day Bell Schedule


6TH Grade

My Classes

Room #


My Classes

Room #

Per 1




Per 1





Per 2




Per 2





Per 3




Per 3









Per 4  



Per 4 









Per 5


Per 5



Per 6


Per 6






2022-2023 Minimum Modified Days


August 31, 2022


September 7, 2022


September 21, 2022

Open House


October 12, 2022


October 26. 2022


November 9, 2022


December 7, 2022


January 11, 2023


January 25, 2023


February 8, 2023


February 22, 2023


March 8, 2023


March 22, 2023


April 12, 2023


April 26, 2023


May 10. 2023


May 24, 2023

Spring Open House


June 7, 2023


June 12, 2023


June 13, 2023


June 14, 2023

Last Day of School

General Information

We follow the Eagles' Way. We are proud to have our own code of conduct here at Taft. We ask students to adhere to six (6) simple attributes, which are located on the back page of this guide book. We also require staff, parents, guardians, and visiting adults to follow the Eagles' Way at all times.

Textbooks are the responsibility of each student. Students and parents have one week to carefully examine each textbook for damage not already noted. When damage is found, the book should be brought to the library so damages can be noted. Students failing to notify the library of damages within the first week must assume responsibility for any damages found when the books are returned.

Telephones in the office and in classrooms are for school business only. Office phones may be used upon the request of students if they have an emergency or if they have permission from an adult during the school day.

Electronic Devices and Any Other Toys ARE NOT ALLOWED at school. Lost or stolen music players, stuffed animals, headphones, or any other item that should not be at school will not be investigated by the administration or staff.

All Confiscated Items, including clothing, cell phones, electronic devices, etc. must be picked up by a parent or guardian. WE DO NOT CALL HOME FOR THESE VIOLATIONS. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with parents about items needing to be picked up. Items that are not picked up by a parent by the last day of school are discarded appropriately.

Daily Attendance

Regular daily attendance is expected. Students will report to school on time each day and be seated in class when the bell rings. Students with unverified absences may be assigned Saturday School to clear the absence. Excessive unverified and/or unexcused absences or tardies may also exclude a student from participation in semester and/or end-of-year activities.

  1. As  Per State Ed. Code, absences  may be cleared for illness, medical or dental appointment, or the death of an immediate family member.
  2. If you must miss school your parent needs to call the school at (858) 935-2650 or email [email protected] to inform the attendance office. Unverified absences may become truancies if parents do not call and clear them with the attendance office.
  3. If a student is late, s/he must get a late pass from the attendance office before going to class.
  4. Students leaving early or arriving late are missing valuable class time. Please make appointments before school starts, on minimum days, after school, on school holidays, or during vacation time if possible.
  5. Students who must leave school during school hours must bring a signed, written note to the attendance office or have a parent/guardian pick them up and they MUST sign out in the office before leaving campus.


The California Legislature (ED Section 48260a) defines a truant as any student:

·         absent from school without a valid excuse three (3) full days  or,

·         who is tardy or absent  more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year or,

·         any combination thereof.


Any student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for ten percent (10%) or more of the school days in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date, is deemed as a chronic truant. See "End-of-year Activity and Promotion Activities" section. Once days are deemed truant, Saturday School can clear these unexcused absences.

Arrival and Dismissal Policy 

  1. Taft's campus opens at 8:30am. Supervision is not provided before 8:30 am unless the student is enrolled and attending Prime Time. Students arriving before 8:30 am must be enrolled in PrimeTime and remain with PrimeTime staff.
  2. Upon arrival after 8:30am all students will report to the Lunch Court.
  3. Cell phones must be off and put away upon arrival and throughout  the day. (Including  PrimeTime)
  4. Gum is not allowed on campus. Throw it away before stepping on campus!
  5. Per CA DMV CVC 2122; any student riding a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, or such must wear a helmet.  All bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc. should be locked, chained, and stored in the Bike Rack gated area before school starts.
  6. Students may go to a classroom if they have an appointment with a teacher. If the teacher is not in, the student is to go immediately to the lunch court.
  7. Breakfast is served from 8:30am until 8:50am.
  8. At breakfast, make selections quickly.
  9. Speak clearly and respectfully to cafeteria workers and all other adults.
  10. Have money and/or lunch number readily available.
  11. Sit at a table or bench in the lunch court. The cafeteria tables inside are not used in the morning unless it is raining or cold.
  12. Use appropriate table manners, keeping hands and feet to self at all times. Do not play with or throw food.
  13. Speak and behave respectfully to each other.
  14. Horseplay and public display of affection (PDA) are not allowed.
  15. Clean the area (tables and floor) where you have eaten. Throw away all trash in the garbage cans provided.
  16. All food and drinks must remain in the lunch court area. You may not take them home or to class.
  17. Remain in the lunch court area until the first bell rings (students may go to 400 building restrooms.) Play fields are off limits and 600 bathrooms closed.
  18. Anyone who needs to leave the lunch court area must have a pass from a teacher or other adult.
  19. When the first bell rings (at the start of school), students exit through one of the two south gates in an orderly fashion.


1.    Campus will be cleared by 4:15pm (2:15pm on modified days.)

2.    Teachers will assist in clearing campus after school by being outside classroom doors.

3.    When the release bell rings, students will quickly leave campus for home, check in at PrimeTime, go directly to the buses, or straight to a teacher (with a pass) in his or her classroom.

4.    Students who are not picked up by 4:15pm on regular days (2:15pm on modified days) will be required to wait in the front office for their ride.

5.    Cell phones may be turned on ONLY when students are off campus and on the public sidewalk.


Tardy Policy

  1. Use level 2 movement, walking quickly and directly to your classes (see passing period policy.)
  2. Arrive to each class before the late bell rings.
  3. Be seated before the late bell rings.
  4. Have materials necessary for learning for all classes - pencils, binders, planner, etc.
  5. Remain in classes the entire school day unless excused by an adult.
  6. Planners are to be brought to school daily.
  7. Planner passes signed by an adult are to be carried when outside of class. 

1st Tardy Verbal reminder by teacher, warning

2nd Tardy Phone call home by teacher, possible teacher assigned detention

3rd Tardy Phone call home, lowered citizenship grade

Note: Citizenship grades are up to the discretion of the teacher for all tardies. Teachers may take into consideration the number of tardies, how many have been  made up, etc.

Tardies are an ongoing problem. "On time" means in class, seated, and ready to work. If a student has a bathroom emergency s/he should tell the teacher in the previous class and get a pass OR check in with the next period teacher and ask for a bathroom pass. A good majority of tardies are at the beginning of the day and right after lunch. Remember, in order to participate in semester, end-of-the-year activities, and/or 8th grade promotion ceremonies, students may not have two or more “U”s on your semester progress report. Tardies will be counted toward citizenship grades.

What ShouId I Do If…

I arrive early? Students are NOT ALLOWED on campus before 8:30am outside of the PrimeTime program. There is no adult supervision before this time. The school will not be liable for any problems or injuries that occur on campus before 8:30am.


I am late? Go to the front office and sign in using the office computer to notate your late arrival. Bring a note from home and give it to the attendance clerk in the office upon your arrival.  Late arrivals without a note will not be excused. 


I have trouble in class or a personal problem? 

  • Complete a request to talk with your counselor in the Counseling Office.
  • Ask a teacher for his or her help.
  • Talk to the principal or vice principal during a passing period or at lunch. The most important thing is to seek out an adult to whom you can talk to.


My parents want a conference? Students can bring a note from home or parents can call or email the counselor to make an appointment. Staff email addresses are available on the school website.


I must leave the classroom? Ask your teacher for permission. You must use your planner as a hall pass.   IF YOU LEAVE THE CLASSROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION, YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED TRUANT.


My cell phone, shirt, or other inappropriate item was confiscated?  You must tell a parent/guardian that the item was confiscated so he or she can call the vice principal to make an appointment to pick the item up.  When an item is confiscated, there will be no phone call home from the school to inform parents.  It is the student’s responsibility to inform his/her parent.  Students may use a school phone with permission from an adult to call and inform parent or guardian of the confiscation.


I lost something? Check around the area the item was lost.  If you still can’t find it, check the Lost and Found bin in the main office or P.E.  If the item is a small item such as jewelry or a cell phone, you must ask the office staff if anything was turned into the lost and found drawer.

Prohibited Items

Items that could be dangerous and/or distracting to the learning environment, including but not limited to the items listed below, are prohibited at Taft. Any student who chooses to bring (or wear) any of these items to school is subject to disciplinary action such as confiscation of the item, a parent conference, in-school or formal suspension or, a recommendation for expulsion.







Caffeinated Drinks





Drug Paraphernalia






Gloves or Riders


Hats or Headgear



Laser Pointers





Mirrors, Glass Items


Open-Toe Shoes


Permanent Markers


Rubber Bands


Slam Books

Soft Drinks or Sodas

Spray Bottles

Stuffed Animals

Swishers or Cigarettes

Tobacco Products


Toys (fidgits)

Vaping Products

Wallet Chains


White Out or Correction Fluid




Computer Use Policy and Liability


Parent and student signatures on the Universal Form from the Parent Handbook indicates  that  both, parent and student agree to assume full liability, including  financial responsibility,  for  any laptop computer checked out in class by the student or any other computer that your student uses at school.

Taft Middle School, San Diego Unified School District, nor any of its employees bear any responsibility or liability for any inappropriate or illegal use of any school or district computer by a student. The "Network Use Guidelines" included in the district "Facts for Parents" handbook outlines acceptable use policies for district and school-owned computers and technology. Signatures on the Universal Form which includes the "Technology/Network Acceptable Use Contract indicates that both student and parent have read and understand the rules concerning computer and Internet etiquette.

The use of computers and laptops is a privilege not a right. If any student  abuses any school computer, laptop, projector, and/or any other technological accessory, the parents/guardians of  that student  are responsible  to  reimburse  Taft  Middle  School  for  repair  or  replacement  of  the  damaged  technological device.  These abuses include, but are not limited to, vandalism or damage,  software licensing violations, software piracy and inappropriate or illegal activities.

Consequences  of  misuse  may include  removal of  computer  privileges for  a specified  amount  of  time or permanently, detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and/or legal prosecution.

Learning Agreement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As a student and a digital citizen, I agree to:

Be responsible. I will ...

  • Do my best to complete my distance learning schoolwork and assignments. 
  • Take care of my device by: 
    • not dropping or tossing it. 
    • putting it down on a clean, flat surface.
    • not eating or drinking when I use it. 
  • Tell my teacher and parent or caregiver if my device is broken, stolen, or lost. 

Stay safe. I will ...

  • Not share my school account passwords with anyone other than my teacher and parent or caregiver. 
  • Not create accounts or share private information without my family's permission. (This includes my full name, date of birth, address, phone number, and photos or videos of myself.)
  • Tell my teacher or an adult I trust if anything makes me feel uncomfortable online, or if anyone acts inappropriately toward me. 

Think first. I will ...

  • Remember that teachers and administrators can see whatever I say and do on a school-issued device during video meetings, in emails and chats, and on shared documents. 
  • Not post anything online that I wouldn't want my family, teachers, college admissions officers, or future employers to see because posts and comments can be saved and shared without my knowledge.
  • Investigate whether a source is credible because not all information online is true. 
  • Give proper credit whenever I use, reference, or share someone else's creative work online.


Speak up. I will ...

  • Communicate with my teacher if I'm confused about or need help with anything, if I'm having trouble managing my workload, or if I can't access something I need for class. 
  • Be a good friend to my classmates by not bullying, humiliating, or upsetting anyone online, and also by speaking up or asking for help if I see someone being treated poorly. 

Stay balanced. I will ... 

  • Have a schedule for distance learning so I can avoid multitasking while I'm focusing on schoolwork. 
  • Help my family come up with a reasonable media plan and follow it. 
  • Include time in my day for doing activities that don't involve electronic devices, eating healthy food, and getting some exercise.
  • "Pause for people" by looking up and paying attention if someone wants to talk to me when I'm on my device.

In exchange, my parent or caregiver will ...

  • Ask me how I'm using technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate as a digital citizen.     
  • Support my learning by setting me up for success.
  • Communicate regularly with my teacher about my progress.

Signed by me

Signed by my parent or caregiver


Acuerdo de aprendizaje digital 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Como estudiante y ciudadano digital, acepto:

Ser responsable. Yo ...

  • Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para realizar mis tareas escolares de aprendizaje a distancia. 
  • Cuidaré mi dispositivo: 
    • evitando tirarlo o dejarlo caer. 
    • poniéndolo en una superficie limpia y plana.
    • evitando comer y beber cuando lo use. 
  • Informaré a mi maestro / padres / cuidador si mi dispositivo se rompe, se pierde o lo roban.

Mantenerme a salvo. Yo ...

  • No compartiré las contraseñas de mi cuenta escolar con nadie más que mi maestro y mis padres o cuidador. 
  • No crearé cuentas ni compartiré información privada sin el permiso de mi familia. (Esto incluye mi nombre completo, fecha de nacimiento, dirección, número de teléfono y fotos o videos mios).
  •  Informaré a mi maestro o a un adulto en quien confío si me incomoda algo que vi en línea o si alguien se comporta de una forma inadecuada conmigo.

Pensar primero. Yo ...

  • Recordaré que mis maestros pueden ver lo que hago y digo en el dispositivo de la escuela durante las videoconferencias, en correos electrónicos y chats, y en documentos compartidos. 
  • No publicaré nada en línea que no quisiera que mi familia, maestros, funcionarios de admisión a la universidad o futuros empleadores vean porque las publicaciones y comentarios se pueden guardar y compartir sin mi conocimiento.
  • Investigaré si una fuente es creíble porque no toda la información que se encuentra en línea es verdadera. 
  • Daré el crédito adecuado cada vez que use, haga referencia o comparta el trabajo creativo de otra persona en línea. 


Hablar cuando sea necesario. Yo ...

  • Me comunicaré con mi maestro si estoy confundido o necesito ayuda, si tengo problemas para manejar mi carga de trabajo o si no puedo acceder a algo que necesito para la clase. 
  • Seré un buen amigo con mis compañeros de clase al no intimidar, humillar o molestar a nadie en línea, y también al informar o pedir ayuda si veo que están maltratando a alguien. 

Mantener el equilibrio. Yo ... 

  • Tendré un horario para el aprendizaje a distancia y así  evitar hacer varias cosas a la vez cuando necesito concentrarme en las tareas escolares. 
  • Ayudaré a mi familia a elaborar un plan sobre el uso de medios y tecnología y lo seguiré.
  • Reservaré tiempo en mi día para hacer actividades que no requieran el uso de dispositivos electrónicos, como hacer ejercicio y comer alimentos saludables.
  • Haré una “pausa para las personas” y prestaré atención si alguien quiere hablar conmigo cuando estoy en mi dispositivo.

A cambio, mi padre / madre o cuidador ...

  • Apoyará mi aprendizaje preparándome para el éxito. 
  • Se comunicará frecuentemente con mi maestro para hablar sobre mi progreso.
  • Me preguntará cómo estoy usando la tecnología de manera responsable para aprender, crear y participar como ciudadano digital. 

Firmado por mí

Firmado por mi padre / madre o cuidador



Voice and Movement Level Expectations

The following noise level and walking/running expectations may be referred to by level by Taft staff for various activities around campus.  When asked to comply with a level, please do so.

Voice Levels     Movement Level




Silent, not talking (taking a test)


Standing still or sitting down


Whisper (no vocal cords)  


Walking slowly (too slow to get to class on time)


Conversation (only people near you can hear)


      Walking steadily (with a purpose)


Presentation (whole class can hear)


     Walking fast (power walking in a hurry)


Cheering (sports games)


      Running (outside only during recreation time or PE


Taft Middle School Dress Code 2022-2023
Proposed and passed to Student Governance Team on June 9, 2022

Dress Code Philosophy 

The School Governance Team of Taft Middle School is adopting a new dress code policy for the 2022-2023 school year so that we can grow with our positive and inclusive community. We believe that the responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and the student’s parents or guardians and that appropriate dress contributes to a productive learning environment. Therefore our expectation is that all students will dress in a way that is appropriate for a school setting or for any school-sponsored event, and that their clothing choices do not interfere with the health and safety of any other student, and do not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any other student

Any school dress code accountability should minimize the potential loss of educational time. Administration and equitable enforcement of the dress code shall be gender neutral, non-shaming and consistent schoolwide. Staff will use reasonable efforts to avoid dress coding students in front of others.

Students should be able to dress and style their hair for school in a manner that expresses their individuality and cultural or religious identity without fear of unnecessary discipline. 

Students and staff are responsible for managing their personal distractions; and we believe that students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance.

Dress Code Policy


  • Students must wear a top, bottoms and footwear to school.
  • Clothing must cover the body as shown in the graphic below.
  • Clothing material must be opaque (not able to be seen through).
  • Clothing must cover all undergarments, waistbands of undergarments included.
  • Hats and other headwear must allow the face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight to any student or staff. Hoodies must allow the student face and ears to be visible to staff.
  • Closed-toed shoes with secure backs are required.
  • Specialized courses (such as Physical Education) may require special attire, such as sports uniforms, sneakers or safety gear.

Additional Requirements

  • Clothing may not depict, advertise or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
  • Clothing may not depict pornography, nudity or sexual acts.
  • Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.                
  • No accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon are allowed.            
  • Clothing, jewelry or personal items may not demonstrate gang association/affiliation.

Dress Code Accountability

Students who do not follow our Taft Middle School Dress Code Policy outlined above will be provided with three (3) options:        

  • They will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed more to code for the remainder of the day.                                        
  • They will be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed more to code for the remainder of the day                                                                                                                   
  • If necessary, parents may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day. 

Parent/Guardian Signature:   __________________________  Date: __________

Student Signature: __________________________  Date: __________

End-of-Year, Semester Activity and Promotion Activity Criteria

In order to participate in any dances, the 8th grade promotion ceremony, any grade level semester associated activities, or grade level end-of-year activities, a student:

·         Must have no more than one formal suspension in the current school year.

·         Must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA in academics AND in citizenship on the final semester report card.

·         Must have no more than one F on the final report card (in all subjects.)

·         Must have no more than one U on the final report card (in all subjects.)

·         Must have no more than one truancy (including period and whole day) for the entire school year.

·         Must  have  no outstanding charges  from  overdue library  fines,  text  books, library  books,  classroom books, school materials, damaged equipment, or damaged school property.

NOTE:  Excessive unverified and/or unexcused absences or tardies may also exclude a student from participation.

For 8th grade promotion and associated activities, the second semester final report card will be used to determine GPA and number of Fs and Us. Formal appeals will be made. One week prior to the last day of school the promotion criteria will be compiled and the final determination of participation made by school administration.

Health Office Information

The Health Office is available to students during school hours each day. Students who feel ill may go to the Health Office WITH THEIR PLANNER PASS. The staff member on duty will determine the appropriate course of action. The school nurse is at Taft on a part-time basis. The nurse works closely with parents, students, and school staff to provide a safe and healthy school environment which promotes student attendance and learning. Parents and guardians are welcome to call, email, or visit the nurse in the Health Office to discuss their child's healthcare needs. The Health Office is to only be used for verifiable health reasons.

Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis/Whooping Cough) and Varicella Requirement

All students entering the 7th and 8th grades will need proof of the Tdap and Varicella booster shot before starting school. California Immunization Law (AB 354) states that any student who does not have proof of getting a Tdap booster shot will not be allowed to school until proof of immunization is provided to the school.


***State law requires that the parent inform the school if the child is receiving prescribed medication for a continuing health problem. (Ca. Ed. Code 49480)

If medications are required at school (long or short term), a “Physician’s Recommendation for Medication” form is required. This form must be renewed yearly. All medications must be in original pill container with current prescription label. Students are not allowed to carry medication and self-administer during the school day with the exception of inhalers (see below.) All medications must be delivered to school by a parent or guardian, and be picked up by the last day of school or they will be discarded.

Over-the-counter medications

Certain over-the-counter medications are available to students who have a “Health Information Exchange Consent Form” completed and on file in the health office. The school nurse or other trained staff will assess the situation and provide over-the-counter medications that are indicated on the completed form.

Asthma & the Use of Inhalers at School

Asthma can be a serious, life-threatening. Students who use inhalers as prescribed by their physicians should have an “Asthma Action Plan” and an inhaler brought to school to be kept in the Health Office.  It is acceptable for middle-school-aged students to carry and self-administer their inhalers; however, ONLY with written permission of both the physician and parent/guardian.

PE excuses for medical reasons

If a student needs to be excused from PE for medical reasons, a parent's note will excuse the student for up to three (3) days. A physician's note is required for longer excuses.

Physical Education Department Information

Our Staff believes that all students can achieve excellence regardless of size, coordination, body type or other physical capabilities. We are concerned with developing a child's positive attitude toward physical activity that will last a lifetime. We have aligned our physical education lessons with the California Content Standards for Physical Education. This will ensure that students will be exposed to a broad range of activities that can provide the foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.

PE dress policy

·         All students are required to dress in the school PE uniform daily.

·         Dressing daily is part of students'  PE grades.

·         Students must wear their own PE uniforms. They cannot share.

·         Individual lockers will be assigned to students for the purpose of keeping clothes and items safe while students are participating in PE.

·         A combination lock (which may be purchased in the front office) is highly recommended to keep items safe.

·         PE Uniforms may ONLY be worn during PE. Students may not wear current or past uniforms during the regular school day (unless they are carrying a note from an administrator or counselor due to a dress code violation.)

·         PE clothes need to be taken home and washed at least once per week (Fridays are best.)

·         Writing (other than the student's name) on the PE clothing is not allowed.

·         Students are only allowed to wear one pair of shorts and one shirt.

·         Proper gym shoes must be worn and shoes must be properly laced and tied tightly for safety.

·         Sweatshirts and sweatpants are only to be worn during cold weather.

·         If  PE uniforms are not purchased at school, students must suit up in a plain, gray T-shirt  or sweatshirt with no hood or pockets and navy blue shorts or sweatpants with no pockets

Locker room procedures

·         Students will be assigned their own lockers. Lockers are not to be shared or loaned to others.

·         Any lock used must be a combination lock and locks must be registered with the teacher to allow access.

·         To prevent theft, it is highly recommended, students lock their lockers.

·         All school policies and rules apply in the locker rooms and in the PE areas.

  • Food, open drinks, glass, perfumes, and spray deodorants (or any "prohibited item") are not allowed in the locker room.



PE excuses

A parent or guardian may clear an illness or injury in PE for up to three (3) days. After three days, a doctor's excuse is required.  These students will still be required to suit up for PE however, they will not be required to participate. Medical excuses are to be managed through the Health Office so that the school Nurse and/or Health Technician are aware and able to offer assistance and support. Students who frequently present requests for excuse from physical education for short periods of time may be contacted by the Health Office and advised to have a medical examination.

Assembly Policy

1.    Classes are to be escorted to the auditorium by a teacher.

2.    If entering through the east (300 building side) of the auditorium, students will file in seat-by-seat, filling from the front row first and continuing the back row until all classes are seated.

3.    If entering through the west (lunch court side) of the auditorium, students will file in seat-by-seat beginning filling the front row first and continuing from front to back until all classes are seated.

4.    Backpacks are to be kept on the floor under the seat in front of student. In the front row, backpacks are to be on the floor between the front of the chair and the student's feet.

5.    Students are to stay seated once they are in their seat.

6.    Voice level should be 0 and 1 (see Passing Period Policy) while waiting for assembly to start and should remain at a level 0 once assembly has started. No whistling, catcalling, or yelling during the assembly.

7.    Hands and feet are to be kept to self with feet on the floor.

8.    Audience is to face front with eyes on the presenter.

9.    Polite and respectful behaviors are required. Over loud clapping and cheering is not allowed.


1.    Follow the directions of your teacher once assembly is over.

2.    Students will leave beginning with the front row followed by subsequent rows out the door through which they entered in single-file as directed by teacher.

Bullying Policy



  • is one-sided.
  • is intentional and repeated.
  • happens when someone purposely hurts, frightens, or threatens someone  else
  • happens when someone purposely and repeatedly excludes others, ridicules, spread rumors, or makes offensive comments.


Direct Bullying is an attack on the victim, usually in the form of verbal or physical bullying.  Direct aggression is often more observable than indirect bullying.


Indirect Bullying involves indirect behaviors intended to harm the victim. It can include relational aggression, a type of bullying in which the bully harms the victim socially by spreading rumors, excluding him or her from a peer group, or manipulating or damaging friendships. Indirect bullying, including relational types, may not be as easily observed as direct bullying.



1.    Everyone (children and adults) will be treated with kindness and respect while on the Taft campus.

2.    All interactions will be conducted with a respectful tone of voice and body language  -  no yelling, arguing, hands on hips, eye rolling, flippant tone, etc.

3.    If an adult asks a student to correct behavior, the student will respond respectfully and immediately correct the behavior as requested. Respond with eye contact and without an argument.

4.    Anyone  who witnesses  bullying going on, will take a stand and stop the behavior.

5.    When an adult prompts correction of behavior or gives a direction, stop and listen, and comply with the direction. Be pleasant. (Nod your head, smile, say thanks - react appropriately.)

6.    Everyone is expected to initiate friendly greetings. When someone greets you, return the greeting with a nod, smile, or verbal response.

7.    When someone compliments you, acknowledge the statement with a polite response.



Bus Riding Policy


  1. All students must have a bus pass issued by the office in order to ride the bus.
  2. Students may use the phone in the office to call for a ride home if they have lost their pass or have been denied transportation.
  3. Replacement passes can be purchased in the front office for $1.00.
  4. Temporary bus passes are issued ONLY when absolutely necessary.
  5. Bus pass issues and lost bus passes must be handled before school, during passing period (if you have time,) or during lunch.  Not after school!

Bus Stops and Boarding

1.    Safety is very  important  while waiting at  the  bus stop. Horseplay,  pushing,  playing,  and  running around cause a safety hazard, do not engage in any of these.

2.    Before school,stay in line while waiting.

3.    After school,if your bus is late, line up.

4.    Bus lines are always single file. Crowding and  pushing at the  door  of  the  bus  creates a safety hazard.

Riding the Bus

1.    It is a privilege to ride a school bus. In order to keep the privilege, follow all school rules. Be polite and respectful to everyone.

2.    Food and drinks are to be stowed in backpacks and gum is not allowed.

3.    Respect other students'  space and property.

4.    Stay seated at all times.

5.    Use voice level 2 and below to avoid distracting the bus driver.

6.    Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself AND inside the bus at all times.

7.    Students who take the bus MUST ride the bus home unless a parent comes to pick them up in the office.

8.    Students may NOT ride a bus unless their name is on the bus manifest. Students must ride the assigned bus. They may not take a different bus.

9.    Students must get on and off the bus at the ASSIGNED bus stop.

10.  If a student is denied transportation or suspended  from the bus due to behavior, it is the student's and parent's responsibility to find transportation to and from school.

11.  Upon arrival at the school, students must report directly to the lunch court or directly to a teacher with whom they have arranged a meeting or tutoring.

The bus driver is in charge and can deny transportation to any student at any time. In accordance with District Procedure 5411, the following are the consequences for breaking bus rules:

 1st offense: Warning or possible one-day bus riding suspension

 2nd offense: Possible two-day bus riding suspension

 3rd offense: Three, four, or five-day bus riding suspension

 4th offense: Remainder of semester or one month bus-riding suspension

Severe behavior such as physical contact or bullying on the bus will be referred to administration and may result in a bus suspension for up to a semester, or a formal out-of-school suspension.

Cell Phone Policy

·         Cell phones are allowed at school but must be off or on silent and put away AT ALL TIMES. (SDUSD Board policy & State Ed. Code)

·         Phones are NOT to be sticking out of pockets and may be confiscated if they are visible.

·         If a cell phone is confiscated it is the STUDENT'S responsibility to notify the parent. Should the STUDENT like to inform a parent while at school, s/he may use a school phone. THE SCHOOL DOES NOT CALL HOME ON CELL PHONE VIOLATIONS.

·         Cell phones will be returned to an adult (who is listed in the child's record) by appointment with the Assistant Principal.

·         Three (3) cell phone confiscations in a school year will be referred to an administrator and may result in suspension for defiance of school rules.




Library Policy

***All school rules-dress code, cell phone, bullying-apply to behavior in the library.

Entry and Exit

Students will enter and exit:

1.    Using level 1 voices.

2.    With level 1 movement.

3.    Without food, drink or gum.

Note:  In the morning, there are no in and out privileges in the library.  Students who enter the library to return books, are not to go in beyond the drop-off slot.  They need to leave immediately and go to the

lunch court.  If students choose to stay in the library, they are to remain there until the first bell.


Students will:

1.    Maintain level 0 or 1 voices at all times.

2.    Maintain movement at level 0 or 1 at all times.

3.    Not be allowed food, drink, or gum.

4.    Look for books, researching, doing homework, reading, working on Learning Upgrade (it is not a place to socialize.)

Book Check-out  and Return

1.    Students must show their planner or current school ID card to check out library books.

2.    Students pay for lost, damaged, or stolen materials.

3.    Students have their planner pass in order to enter during class time.

4.    Two books may be checked out for a period of TWO WEEKS and may be renewed, if necessary.

Textbook Check-out and Return

1.    Textbooks are issued during the first week of attendance.

2.    Students are financially responsible for all textbooks checked out to them and are expected to pay for any lost, damaged, or stolen books.

3.    Students must show their current planner with barcode or school ID card, to check out textbooks.


Lunch Time Policy

General  Lunch-Time Behavior

1.    Cutting in line is never acceptable.

2.    Always line up in a single file.

3.    Use level 0 to level 1 movement at all times during passing periods and lunch time (unless on the play field.)

4.    Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

5.    No public displays of affection (PDA.)

6.    Respect yourself by respecting your environment - clean up your area when you leave.

7.    No outside food deliveries will be allowed.

On the Way to Lunch

1.    Students will proceed to the lunch courts, snack line, or cafeteria lunch line using level 2 movement and voice levels 

2.    If students are released from classrooms before the lunch bell rings, they must be walked by the classroom teacher to the east lunch line entrance and teachers must remain with their students until the bell rings. Students will not be allowed to go to the snack lines without teacher supervision before the bell rings.

3.    Students who will be getting lunch in the cafeteria will line up single file along the windows of the east cafeteria door entrance.

4.    If a student needs to go through both the cafeteria line and snack line, they must first go through the cafeteria line.

5.    Students are not allowed to enter the cafeteria via the south (lunch court) doors while lunch is being served. The north (300 building side) cafeteria doors will be closed once all students are through the line. If students want to enter through the south door they must wait until the north door is closed.

6.    The north cafeteria door is closed and locked as soon as the line is through (usually about 10 minutes into the lunch period.)

Inside the Cafeteria

Students will:

1.    Upon entry, choose one of four lunch lines and line up single file behind the red line on the floor.

2.    Assure that no more than five students enter at a time in the serving line.

3.    Make selections quickly.

4.    Speak clearly and respectfully to cafeteria workers and all other adults.

5.    Have money and/or lunch number readily available.

6.    Sit at a table in the cafeteria or at a table or bench outside. Do not sit on the ground along the walls or windows.

7.    Use appropriate table manners, keeping hands and feet to yourself.

8.    Speak and behave respectfully to each other. Horseplay will not be tolerated at any time.

9.    Clean the area (tables and floor) where they have eaten and throw away all trash in the trash cans.

10.  Exit from the cafeteria through the south (lunch court) door.

11.  Leave the cafeteria building 10 minutes before the end of lunch.

12.  Make sure all food and drinks remain in the lunch court area - no food or drink allowed on the play field or to be taken home or to classrooms after lunch.

If You Bring Your Lunch

1.    If you do not need to enter the cafeteria, you may enter the lunch court through the east gate near Boys' PE.

2.    Sit at a table in the cafeteria or at a table or bench outside. Do not sit on the ground along the walls or windows.

3.    When finished, clean the area (tables and floor) where you have eaten. Throw away all trash in the garbage cans provided.

4.    Remain in the lunch court area, cafeteria, or play fields with the exception of going to the 400 building restrooms.

5.    All food and drinks must remain in the lunch court area - no food or drink allowed on the play field or to be taken home or to classrooms after lunch.

6.    Anyone who needs to leave the lunch area, with the exception of using the 400 building restroom, must have a PASS from a teacher or other adult.

7.    Use time wisely. Use the restroom during lunch, restrooms will be closed during the passing period between lunch and 5th period. Teachers should not let students out for restroom breaks during 1st and 5th  periods.


Organized  Field Activities

Four square courts, tetherball courts, basketball courts, soccer and play field are available during the last half of the lunch period. Depending on the number of supervisors, these games may be modified by supervision staff.

1.    The gate to the field will be opened once lunch service is complete and at the discretion of noon duty field supervisors.

2.    Students in the field area must be participating in an activity, socializing can be done on the lunch court.

3.    Good sportsmanship will be practiced in all games. Rough play will not be part of any field activity.

4.    Students will settle differences peacefully, without aggression or foul language.

5.    Students who are heard cussing will be sent to the lunch court for the remainder of the lunch period.

6.    Backpacks should NOT be left unattended. Students do so at their own risk. When backpacks are left unattended, staff is not responsible for recovering lost or stolen items.

7.    At the sound of the whistle, students will return equipment to lunch supervisor, and walk using level 2 movement back to the lunch court to wait for the end-of-lunch bell to ring.

When it Rains

1.    Students remain in the cafeteria, or under sheltered eating areas outside.

2.    Students who choose to be out in the rain are choosing to be wet for the afternoon (or the day if it rains in the morning.)

3.    Students who choose to stomp through puddles are choosing to have wet feet for the afternoon (or for the day if they choose to do so in the morning.)

4.    Students  will  not  be  sent  to  the  front  office  or  health  office  to  change  or  call  home. Field activities will be closed.

Restroom Policy 

  1. Get permission from your teacher or an adult to leave the classroom.
  2. Get the adult to sign your planner pass (at the back of this planner. )
  3. Sign the restroom log to leave classroom and take planner pass with you.
  4. Take care of business.
  5. Flush the toilet.
  6. Wash your hands
  7. Dry hands by pushing the hand dryer once.
  8. Return to class (or lunch court if during lunch or before school) quickly.
  9. Report messy restrooms to the classroom teacher or an adult (if on lunch court) immediately.
  10. Use the restroom before school, during passing period, lunch time and after school, to avoid missing class time.
  11. If you feel you must leave class to use the restroom, you must have your planner pass.
  12. Lunch time and morning arrival -  Use the restroom (in the 400 building) during the lunch period or before the morning bell, not after the first bell rings to signal it is time to go to class.




Additional School-wide Policies

Students will:

·    Follow the Eagles' Way.

·    Follow the directions given by adults at all times.

·    Keep their hands and feet to themselves. They will not engage in public display of affection (PDA), horseplay, play fights, or physical or sexual harassment.

·    Respect fellow classmates and treat others as they wish to be treated.

·    Comply with all school policies as outlined in the student planner.

·    Carry their planner AND use their planner as a hall pass.

·    Remain on campus the entire school day (unless they have been excused by a parent/guardian.)

·    Use only kind words when communicating with others - no profanity, vulgar behavior, bullying, harassment or intimidation.

·    Abide by the district Zero Tolerance Policy. (See "Facts for Parents" booklet.)

·    Behave with integrity and honesty. Students will not participate in cheating, plagiarism, theft, alteration of materials or forgery.

·    Eat healthy  foods  at  school  (but  not  in  the classrooms.) Canned drinks, candy (especially suckers), cakes, cupcakes are not to be at school. Water is allowed.

·    Leave gum and candy at home. Students will be asked to throw gum and candy in the trash. Gum packs and candy may be confiscated. Gum damages school property and causes distractions to learning.


Title IX Notifications:


San Diego Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying by reason of the following actual or perceived characteristics: age, ancestry, color, mental or physical disability, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital or parental status, nationality, national origin, actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

Students who violate this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion, in accordance with district policy, administrative procedure and state law.

Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Any disciplinary action shall be in accordance with applicable federal, state and/or collective bargaining agreements.

Reference Board Policy (BP) 5145.3 and Administrative Regulation (AR) 5145.3 for full policies.


San Diego Unified School District is committed to making the schools free from sexual harassment and discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of the Civil Rights Act of 1972 and is prohibited by both federal and state laws. The district prohibits sexual harassment of students by other students, employees or other persons, at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. Sexual harassment is defined in Education Code to mean unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the educational setting. The superintendent or his/her designee shall ensure that district students receive age-appropriate instruction about their rights to be free from sexual harassment, the district procedure for reporting and investigating complaints of sexual harassment including with whom a complaint should be filed.

The district prohibits conduct that has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual’s work or academic performance, or that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.

The district further prohibits sexual harassment that conditions a student's status, progress, benefits, services, honors, program or activities based on submission to such conduct.

Any student who feels that he/she is being, or has been, sexually harassed by a school employee, another student, or a non-school employee at school or at a school-related event, shall immediately contact his/her teacher or any other district employee. An employee who receives such a complaint shall report it in accordance with administrative procedures/regulations.

Students who violate this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion, in accordance with district policy, administrative procedure and state law.


Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Any disciplinary action shall be in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and/or collective bargaining agreements.

The district believes that it can resolve issues of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying at the school site.  

Reference BP and AR 5145.7 and BP and AR 0410 for full policy


El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego se compromete a la igualdad de oportunidades en la educación para todas las personas. Los programas, las actividades y las prácticas del distrito deben estar libres de discriminación, hostigamiento, intimidación y acoso basado en edad, ascendencia, color, discapacidad mental o física, origen étnico, identificación de grupo étnico, género, expresión del género, identidad de género, información genética, estado de inmigración, estado civil o parental, nacionalidad, origen nacional, sexo real o percibido, orientación sexual, raza, religión o basado en la asociación de una persona con una persona o un grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas.

Los estudiantes que quebranten esta política podrían estar sujetos a medidas disciplinarias, hasta e incluyendo la expulsión, de acuerdo con la política del distrito, el procedimiento administrativo y la ley estatal.

Los empleados que quebranten esta política estarán sujetos a medidas disciplinarias hasta e incluyendo ser despedidos. Cualquier acción disciplinaria será conforme a los acuerdos aplicables federales, estatales y/o de contrato colectivo.

Para las políticas enteras, referirse a las Políticas de La Mesa Directiva (BP) 5145.3 y los Reglamentos Administrativos (AR) 5145.3.      


El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego se compromete a que las escuelas estén libres de acoso sexual y discriminación, discriminación, hostigamiento, intimidación y acoso. El acoso sexual es una forma de discriminación sexual bajo el Título IX de las Enmiendas Educativas de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1972 y está prohibido tanto por las leyes federales como estatales. El distrito prohíbe el acoso sexual de estudiantes por parte de otros estudiantes, empleados u otras personas, en la escuela o en actividades patrocinadas o relacionadas con la escuela. El acoso sexual se define en el Código de Educación como insinuaciones sexuales no deseadas; solicitudes de favores sexuales; o conducta verbal, visual o física de naturaleza sexual hecha por alguien del o dentro del entorno educativo. La Superintendente o su designado debe garantizar que los estudiantes del distrito reciban educación apropiada para su edad acerca de sus derechos de ser libres de acoso sexual, el procedimiento del distrito para informar e investigar las quejas de acoso sexual, incluyendo con quién se debe presentar una queja.     

El distrito prohíbe la conducta cuyo propósito o resultado tenga un efecto negativo en el trabajo o rendimiento académico de la persona, o que sea los suficientemente severa, persistente o imponente para crear un ambiente educativo intimidante, hostil u ofensivo.   

El distrito además prohíbe el acoso sexual que condiciona el estado, progreso, beneficios, servicios, honores, programas o actividades de un estudiante basado en la sumisión a tal conducta. 

Cualquier estudiante que sienta que él/ella está siendo o ha sido acosado sexualmente por un empleado de la escuela, otro estudiante o un empleado no escolar en la escuela o en un evento relacionado con la escuela, deberá comunicarse de inmediato con su maestro o con cualquier otro empleado del distrito. Un empleado que reciba una queja de este tipo deberá reportarla de acuerdo con los procedimientos/reglamentos administrativos.   

Los estudiantes que quebranten esta política estarán sujetos a medidas disciplinarias hasta el procedimiento administrativo y la ley estatal.                                     Los empleados que quebranten esta política estarán sujetos a medidas disciplinarias hasta e incluyendo ser despedidos. Cualquier acción disciplinaria deberá estar de acuerdo con las leyes federales y estatales aplicables y/o los acuerdos de negociación colectiva.  

El distrito está convencido de que puede resolver los problemas de discriminación, discriminación, hostigamiento, intimidación y acoso dentro del plantel escolar. 

Para las políticas enteras, referirse a las  BP y AR 5145.7, y a las BP y AR 0410. 

The Eagles' Way

All children and adults on the Taft campus are expected to follow the Eagles' Way

Encourage Others - Be supportive to everyone whether you like them or not. Helping others is the Eagles' Way.  Use words of encouragement like, “Good job!” “I liked your project.” “You’ll do better next time.”   Offer your help if you think someone needs it.  Use polite words at all times. Encourage others to seek an adult's help when they have a problem.

Accept Differences - Just because someone looks different, comes from a different place, was raised in a different culture, or has different abilities doesn't mean you don't have something in common. You won’t know until you talk to them. The expectation is not that you become best friends, but that you treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Give Respect - Tone of voice and body language will be positive and respectful at all times. There are no put-downsUse active listening. Make eye contact. Engage in pleasant exchanges. Students and adults are expected to initiate friendly greetings.  Respect yourself as well as those around you.

Learn to Listen and Listen to Learn - Come to school prepared for the task at hand. When students are in class, they need to pay attention to the speaker, be active listeners, look at the speaker, and participate in class discussions/lessons when appropriate. When adults are at meetings they are to do the same.

Expect Positive Results - Students and adults will set high expectations for themselves and others. They will do their best when challenged and be proud of accomplishments. Improvement and excellence will be celebrated by students and staff.

Strive for Excellence - Students and staff will come to school prepared for learning and/or teaching. Everyone will do the best they can at all times. In order to achieve excellence students and staff will go above and beyond what is expected when learning, teaching, and caring for others. Personal integrity (high moral character, ethical behavior, and honesty) are of the utmost importance to be your best and to do your best.


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