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NEWS RELEASE: San Diego Unified Announces Second Year of Universal Meals Program

NEWS RELEASE: San Diego Unified Announces Second Year of Universal Meals Program
Posted on 08/29/2023

August 29, 2023

SAN DIEGO – The San Diego Unified School District Food and Nutrition Services Department will offer a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily to all students at no cost under the statewide Universal Meals Program for the 2023-2024 school year.

While the program will offer free Universal Meals for all students, some households* will be asked to complete a meal application. Both meal applications and alternate income forms are used to qualify for funding for district schools including LCFF, Title I rankings, rebates and other grant monies. In addition, qualifying families may be eligible for discounted AP testing and discounted internet service. See the current income eligibility guidelines below.

The San Diego Unified School District will notify the household of their children’s eligibility as free if any household member receives Assistance Programs such as Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), or Food Distribution Program Indian Reservations (FDPIR) benefits.

*Schools that will be requesting meal applications include: De Portola Middle School, Point Loma High School, Pershing Middle School, Scripps Ranch High School, T. Marshall Middle School, Patrick Henry High School, La Jolla High School, Muirlands Middle School and Standley Middle School.

For more information please contact San Diego Unified School District, Food and Nutrition Services Department at 858-987-5377.

Income Eligibility Guidelines

 Year  Month  Twice Per Month Every Two Weeks Week
 1  $26,973  $2,248  $1,124  $1,038  $519
 2  $36,482  $3,041  $1,521  $1,404  $702
 3  $45,991  $3,833  $1,917  $1,769  $885
 4  $55,500  $4,625  $2,313  $2,135  $1,068
 5  $65,009  $5,418  $2,709  $2,501  $1,251
 6  $74,518  $6,210  $3,105  $2,867  $1,434
 7  $84,027  $7,003  $3,502  $3,232  $1,616
 8  $93,536  $7,795  $3,898  $3,598  $1,799


For each additional family member, add:

   $9,509  $793  $397 $366 $183


Free Meals

 Year  Month  Twice Per Month Every Two Weeks Week
 1  $18,954  $1,580  $790  $729   $365
 2  $25,636  $2,137   $1,069  $986   $493
 3  $32,318  $2,694  $1,347  $1,243   $622
 4  $39,000  $3,250   $1,625  $1,500   $750
 5  $45,682  $3,807   $1,904  $1,757   $879
 6  $52,364  $4,364   $2,182  $2,014   $1,007
 7  $59,046  $4,921   $2,461  $2,271   $1,136
 8  $65,728  $5,478   $2,739  $2,528   $1,274


For each additional family member, add:

   $6,682  $557  $279 $257 $129

